The Worshipful Company of Butchers and City Livery Events

United Guilds' Service 2025

United Guilds Service at St Paul's Cathedral

Liverymen are invited to participate in one of the largest City Livery events in the calendar.

The annual United Guilds Service is attended by the The Lord Mayor and the Court of Alderman, and this year the sermon will be given by The Very Reverend Mark Oakley, Dean of Southwark. The Service will be held in St Paul’s Cathedral at 11.15am, seats must be taken by 10.45)

First established in 1943, following the Blitz of 1940-41, it serves as a reminder of the religious origins of the Guilds.

The Butchers' Company are allocated a limited amount of spaces in a pew and we endeavour to ensure that the pew is occupied with Liverymen, with wives and partners, however priority is given to Liverymen in the first instance.

When: Friday 28 March 2025

Where: Butchers' Hall / St Paul's Cathedral

Service Timings: 11:15 - 12.15 (seats must be taken by 10.45)

Lunch: 12.30pm for 1pm lunch

Dress code: Dark lounge suit & tie / smart day wear

Cost: £82 per person (inc VAT)


Smoked Salmon and Beetroot Terrine

Roast Rib-Eye of Beef

Boulangerie potatoes, wilted hispi cabbage, heritage carrots, red wine jus

Treacle Tart with Clotted Cream

Tickets will be issued in advance and entry will only be permitted with valid passes.

Don't delay booking as the limited places will be allocated on a strictly first-come-first-serve basis.

Important booking info

We have a new booking system for events. If you have problems logging in please reset your password.

If you would like to add a guest to your booking, please use the 'Click to Add a Guest' button on the booking form.

If you need assistance with your booking, please email

Please note that if you need to cancel your booking 7 days or less before the event takes place, a cancellation fee will be incurred at the Full per person ticket price rate.

Booking for this event has now closed.

Events details

28 March 2025
Service at 11.15; Arrival drinks reception at 12.30pm, with a 1pm lunch
Butchers' Hall
Dress code:
Business Attire / Dark lounge suit
Most welcome