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Published on: 5 July 2022WCB popped to The Poppy Factory
The WCB Charities and Education Committee were delighted to accept an invitation to visit The Poppy Factory, as a cause that we support annually it was an opportunity that could not be missed.
Published on: 20 June 2022Butchers' swing the mallet
Once again the Butchers' fielded three pairs for the annual Glovers' Inter Livery Croquet Tournament on Saturday 18 June 2022. Honorary Liveryman and Company Photographer tells us more.
Published on: 17 June 2022'House full' at Carvery Lunch
The Master welcomed a record number of diners to the traditional Butchers’ Hall Carvery Lunch on Wednesday 15th June. Don't miss out on booking remaining dates for 2022.
Published on: 12 June 2022The Butchers mark the Jubilee with a special Court Lunch
Glasses of Pimms, Champagne, delicious canapés and bunting greeted Liverymen and guests upon arrival at Butchers’ Hall for a special and most convivial June Court Luncheon.
Published on: 15 May 2022Ladies Spring in to Lunch
A perfect Spring day provided a backdrop to the Annual Ladies Court Lunch and some special charitable activity with Claire House and Meningitis Now
Published on: 12 May 2022Major Charity Awards 2023-2025
Registered charities now invited to apply for three year charitable funding from WCB. Deadline for applications is 24 June 2022.
Published on: 20 April 2022Barney's Dash
A 100 mile virtual challenge for Charity Partner Meningitis Now was celebrated at the end of a tough two weeks after the May Court lunch.
Published on: 15 April 2022Embracing NZ connections
Welcoming Honorary Freeman Mr Bede Corry, New Zealand High Commissioner to the UK, and a return of the SS.Dunedin to the Hall at the April Court lunch celebrated our NZ connections in style!
Published on: 16 March 2022Aubrey Allen hosts Teach First
Continuing to work with our Charity Partners, Liverymen joined the team at Aubrey Allen to host a memorable day for students from the Westwood Academy
Published on: 4 February 2022Nicely battered and a little burn-s!
Minette Batters, President of NFU, was our principal guest at the February Court lunch, which began with a Burns twist and ended with a dram, or two!
See our latest list of events and Court Lunches, come and join us.
Members' Area
We like to keep most things open for all to see, but for news and announcements that are for Liverymen only we will post updates and announcements in the Members' Area, with access to members only.