Six complete novices picked up mallets to represent the Butchers’ Livery Company in the Inter Livery Croquet Tournament, hosted by the Glovers’ Company, on 15th June, at the Sussex Country Croquet club on the South Coast.
24 pairs started the day in glorious June sunshine only to play the last round in a complete downpour and we’re delighted to report that our pair of Providitor Andrew Parker and Jo Stone ended the day with a second place with Assistants Steve Chick and Tim Stone recording a creditable tenth place in the overall tournament.
Following a crash course on the rules and etiquette, then selecting their ‘weapons’, our intrepid six proceeded to the Lawns for the first round of pairings. It was here our three pairs started to demonstrate their prowess and expertise! Far from avoiding embarrassment they more than held their own coming off with a win and two defeats, one very narrowly.
Having got to grips with the speed of the lawns, picked up a tactical appreciation of a game similar to a combination of snooker and bowls, and avoiding the offside traps our teams went from strength to strength.
After losing narrowly to the eventual tournament winners Andrew and Jo were playing for second place in the last round when the skies opened… perhaps their “training” on Kilimanjaro played its part.
Our pairs including Phil McCarthy and Claire White thoroughly enjoyed the experience and plan to return next year for “a real shot at the big one” and are to be congratulated for representing our Livery so well.