Lady Mayoress attends Butchers’ Hall for tour and enjoys first lunch
Published on: 8 September 2019
Elizabeth Baker, the Mistress Butcher, wife of Master Graham Baker, hosted the very first lunch at the newly refurbished Butchers’ Hall on Wednesday 4th September, with the Lady Mayoress as Guest of Honour.
The event specially arranged to host Mistresses and Consorts of other Livery Companies, together with spouses and partners of Court Members and Past Masters was an opportunity to tour the venue, topped off with a champagne reception on the roof garden as the sun shone. A wonderful lunch in the Great Hall was followed by guest speaker, Jill Fraser, a trained nurse, author, TV producer, BBC reporter and founder of the charity Kissing It Better.
Donations collected at the lunch raised £600 for The Lord Mayor’s Appeal.
Having officially re-opened that week, the versatility of the Hall was demonstrated as it hosted the lunch while a Worshipful Company of Butchers’ committee meeting was taking place in the Mezzanine and interviews for new Liverymen were conducted in the Court Suite.
Elizabeth Baker commented: “I was thrilled that it was the Consorts’ Lunch which presented the first opportunity to show off our stunning new Hall. It was a particular pleasure to have the excellent company of the Lady Mayoress who described our new hall as amazing. Jill Fraser’s entertaining and witty talk about accepting old age was enjoyed by all. But sipping Champagne on the sunny roof terrace was my highlight.”